チーズ店アレグリア 2020-05-20

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「チーズ店 アレグリア」店主 岡林郁子さん インタビュー

アレグリアの店主・岡林郁子さんは、2019年6月にチーズ専門店をこの街にオープンしました。奥にはご主人大介さんが営む「BAR 月の下」が併設されています。




郁子さん(以下 郁):そうですね。夫と一緒に「カフェバー月の下」をオープンして、それから3年後位ですかね、ショーケース1つでチーズ専門店を始めました。今年で10年になります。

カフェバーをしながら、なぜチーズ店を? 元々お好きだったんですか?

















MIROC BEER(北平山町)さんが分かりやすい例で、あそこは自分の所で作ってるクラフトビールがあって、わざわざあそこに行って飲むのが良いんですよね。わざわざそこに行かないと手に入らないっていうのが出来るのがこの街の面白い所だと思います。




大介さん(以下 大):県外から来た僕から見ると、港があって、すぐ近くにお城があって、はるか昔はいろんな人たちが行き交いしてたと思うんですよ。遊郭なんかもありましたしね。そういう土地なんで、新しい人が来ても、普通にやってれば受け入れてくれる所だと思いますよね。








(笑) ご主人、どうですか?









自分たちが好きなお客様にとっての「居心地」を追求したお二人。結果、お二人は今もお二人の「好き」に囲まれている印象です。好きな街、好きな店、好きな人……そんな環境がこれからもずっと続きますように。応援しています! ありがとうございました。

“ The bay is even better than a beach. This is where people have been coming and going from old times.”

An interview with Ms.Kuniko Okabayashi, the owner of Cheese specialty store Alegría

Cheese specialty shop Alegría is on a small street beside Marugame station’s north exit. The interior was decorated with marimekko’s textile as if it’s a table runner. There are abundant kinds of cheese and carefully selected bottles of wine. It seems like the whole shop is on a table.
Ms.Kuniko Okabayashi, the owner of this shop, opened this cheese specialty shop in June 2019. In the back of the shop, there is “BAR Tsuki no shita” operated by her husband, Daisuke.

Ms.Kuniko is from this port town and Mr.Daisuke is from another prefecture. They are saying, “This town is cool,” and told the potentials and prospects of this town.

I tried to make a shop, where it is cozy for the customer who I expect

Initially, you were operating this shop with a cafe-bar facing Tori-cho shopping street, right?

Kuniko(K): Yes. After we had been operating “Cafe-bar Tsuki no shita” for about three years, I started this cheese specialty shop with one display case only. It’s been ten years in this year.

Why did you start a cheese specialty shop while you were operating the cafe-bar? Did you like cheese originally?

K: No, not at all. I neither liked nor was interested in cheese. Most of our customers, at that time, were older than me, and they liked wine. And they began to bring unique cheese, saying like, “It goes well with wine.” After some of those occasions, they recommended, “Why don’t you serve good cheese because you serve good quality wine.”

A suggestion from the customers was the start.

K: That’s right. I said, “I will do that!” then my husband and I began to buy several pieces of cheese and try them repeatedly. At that moment, we both did not know about cheese. “If it wouldn’t work, let’s quit,” we were saying, “We might quit in a year.” Although we have done it for ten years.

What motivated you for relocation?

K: Actually, I wanted to operate this shop and the cafe-bar in an alley from the time we did with Tori-cho.

At the time, we were operating lunch and cafe. Besides, we were opening the bar at night. By doing so, we had many kinds of customers. However, we started to expect a particular type of customers gradually. As a result of making the place comfortable for the customers we like, we’ve reached this style.

You mean, the way you operate the cheese specialty shop and bar separately without cafe?

K: Furthermore, a place where is not facing a big street, but in an alley.
We still have this bar, so it should be near the station where people can walk. That’s why not every alley could suit, it had to be near the station.

※“BAR Tsuki no shita”, where Daisuke created chic space with caring about details, is in the back of the cheese specialty shop Alegría.

This place is so close to the station. Did you happen to find this?

K: No. We had been looking at this place. It’s near the station, but not in front of that. It is also nice to facing south. It used to be an old canteen and was vacant for a long time with a “for sale” signboard. We were always saying, “It’s a really lovely real estate.”

Didn’t you consider the south side of the station?

K: No, we didn’t. I’m not sure, but I was just talking with my husband, “The north side will be thriving, I feel.” “There are many old buildings, and this town is cool. If we had the shop here, it would be exciting.” When we were looking for a real estate, we were chatting like that while we were walking around here.

The potentials and issues of this town

As you mentioned, there are many old buildings on the north side, and abandoned building’s deterioration is accelerating. With that situation, which point do you feel the potential to thrive?

K: For instance, if there was a convenience store or a chain store in this place, nobody comes, because those shops are everywhere.

MIROC BEER in Kita-hirayamacho is a good example. They sell original craft beer, and customers come all the way here and enjoy their beer. That is the best part. People can experience getting something by taking time is a good feature of this town.

Our selling point is selling small pieces of cheese. Commonly, cheese shops sell a lump of cheese. In supermarkets, they also sell a lump of blue cheese. Among them, when we sell small pieces like these, customers can choose many kinds of cheese, and it’s easy for them to try an unfamiliar one. I hope our customers can look for the best while they try different cheese.

Just like that, Udon restaurant, bakery, or no matter what it is, things people can get only in this town, and the place where people need to go all the way. It’s unique to this town, which can make something special for customers. A town facing a big road, or where there is a big parking space, can’t be the same as here.

I see. What do you think, Daisuke, as a person who was walking with?

Daisuke(D): For me, as who were from another prefecture, …there is a port, the castle nearby, and I can imagine that there were many people coming and going in old times. There was also a red light district. So, in my opinion, when a new person comes, the locals will welcome.

This town has the bay, and it’s better than having a beach. I guess this has been a place where people were interacting with each other from ancient times, so it was good for us started here.

You saw the potential of this area, and you are still doing business on the north side of the station after the relocation. Do you think there are issues? Or before you relocate, are there any problems did you see?

K: After all, there is no point if there wouldn’t be more people living in this town. I think this town is interesting, but there still be nothing if I say so. No stylish shops are lining up. Tourists who visit here and stay one night will never know the attraction of this town that we perceive.

It’s better to show the information about the situations of abandoned buildings, like for sale or leasing, can be used or need to repair and so on. I think those conditions should be more transparent and build the environment for people who want to start a business or to live.
I know there are many vacant houses, but many things are unclear. We happened to find the signboard of this real estate, which we were considering, but I don’t think it happens to everyone.

When people can stroll more, this town will be more exciting.

I want to ask how both of you think about the prospect in the future. About the bar, too.

K: What do you think? I suddenly rely on you after speaking a lot.

What do you think, Daisuke?

D: Well, of course, I will work at this place, mostly. I want to make this place more familiar to locals. Furthermore, I think it would be possible to sell online or at department stores, because there are many kinds of cheese.

When I was looking at the online pages, I also found an online store. You mean apart from that?

K: We have a kind of online store, and some customers order cheese when they know the taste. However, it’s really difficult for us to keep our style online, so we have to say, “Please come to the shop.”

D: About the cheese specialty shop, we have those prospects. About the bar, as you can see, there are a few seats. As a place where people feel relaxed before they go home, I want to keep offering the space like this.

What do you want this town to be?

D: An event for revitalizing the town is not needed. I want this town to be where the shops, both old and new who try hard, will not close down.

When each shop tries hard; then, the town will be thriving. It’s my ideal.

Our customers of the bar sometimes stop by with only an hour remaining for a train. Since this town is small in a good way, I hope more people do the same. At least when they come to this town, they eat at a restaurant, then they can drink at next place, while walking and strolling around. By doing that, they can interact with others.

That makes sense. This size would definitely be an attraction. It’s easy for a pub crawl, and it seems to broaden the connection with people. Thank you very much!

Cheese specialty shop Alegría” and “BAR Tsuki no shita”. Those two spaces are in contrast to each other, and full with each characteristic, that makes me realize they follow their sense of what they like.
They are seeking coziness for the customer they like. As a result, they seem to be surrounded by their favorite things. A favorite town, favorite shops, favorite people. Hopefully, the environment like that would exist for a long time. We are on your side! Thank you so much.